Monday, April 28, 2008

Day One

Welcome to Life @ 7,000 Feet.

Today is the first day of the life of this blog. Having never written a blog before, I won't pretend to know what I am doing. I am just going to jump in with both feet and see where the current takes me. This attitude of surrendering to life and all the wonders that it holds is new for me. I attribute it to living at 7,000 feet, literally and figuratively.

My wife, Terri (whom you will also hear from in this blog), and I moved to Lake Tahoe about 7 years ago and the house we live in sits at 7,000. Lake Tahoe is a resort community, a destination that people from around the world dream of visiting when they finally get a week or two break from work. Living in a resort community high in the Sierras has had a powerful and dramtic impact on both my wife and I. Some of what we will write about here is based on lessons we have learned living in the midst of one of God's greatest creations.

While our life's path lead us to live physically at 7,000 feet, it is the journey that brought us here that has given us a 7,000 foot perspective. We have been married 26 years this June, raised 2 beautiful, loving and brilliant daughters. We have built businesses, had several successful and unsuccessful careers, made and lost fortunes (well maybe not fortunes, but an awful lot of money) and we have traveled the world. Both of us have lost parents and siblings. Both of us have lost and found many things, even God at times along the way. Thankfully God never lost touch with us.

Terri and I are in our early 50's, you know the new 30... or is it 40? Anyway while chonologically we have passed the half century mark and have been untrustworthy for more than 20 years in the eyes of the hippees we once were, we like to think that we are just beginning the second half of this incredible journey.

Here we want to share our 7,000 foot perspective on life and the lessons we have learned along the way.

We don't profess to be enlightened, for in truth we are a long way from ataining that elusive height. But recently we have done a lot of soul searching and we seem to have gotten in touch with those things that really matter in life. In particular enjoying the abundant blessings that God has bestowed on us; each other, our childern. our family, our health, and this beautiful place we call home.

Anyway here we are, or at least here I am, writing blog about life and balance. Go figure. I hope you enjoy.

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